12th International Cycling Safety Conference

Exploring Cycling Safety Culture

The International Cycling Safety Conference, hosted by IATSS on November 5 to 7 2024, will invite delegates from over the world to bike through the Imabari, experience workshops, meet other people professionally interested in cycling safety, learn from each other and share knowledge.

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We are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have received almost 100 amazing abstracts from about 340 talented authors! We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who submitted an abstract. ICSC2024 will be a truly international gathering, with submissions from 25 countries and regions! Germany led the way in terms of submissions, with […]

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According to the 2020 census, Japan is one of the world’s largest bicycle users, with 10.1% of the population using bicycles to commute to work or school. Bicycle use in Japan is diverse, with many types of bicycles used on a daily basis, such as bicycles for carrying young children, and more recently, bicycles for […]

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